C. “What Inspires You” Postcard Campaign: Nichiha’s Illumination Series cladding comes in limitless vivid colors, and it was those endless possibilities that powered a direct marketing campaign preceding the American Institute of Architects’ convention in 2014. Playing to architects’ visual and exploratory inclinations, the postcard challenged attendees to draw or write their design inspirations and post them at Nichiha’s booth. A coveted Herman Miller Aeron ergonomic desk chair prize added value while ensuring lead capture. The campaign continued on social media, where we shared submissions and conducted voting. The result was an eye-catching campaign that attracted attention while reminding customers of the compelling look and possibilities of the product itself. (As an added bonus, the agency received an entry from a 10-year-old aspiring designer, the daughter of an architect; they were so inspired by her work and her initiative that they sent her a “Young Inspiration” award package including art supplies and gift cards.)